Wednesday 19 February 2014

Back Garden

Front Garden

This was the Front Garden in February 2013 after our building work to extend and adapt the house for wheel-chair access.

This is the new garden a few months later, with good wheel-chair access. The hedge at the top still
showing the signs of scorching from a bonfire I had to burn all the building rubbish.

Two Yucca's I bought off Ebay for £10, and there is not much difference between what was the smaller one and the the bigger one. The mother plant which they came from was huge.

The hedge was planted a number of years ago, and finally we got it established, although some wise guy pinched one of the young saplings by pulling it up by the roots, but he made the mistake of choosing his theft from a runner's garden - I'm a light sleeper and I chased him down the road in my pajamas until he decided to  drop it.

Nice Sun Trap, South facing, where my wife does her sun bathing, while I'm at work.